A Good Crazy.......
What is a good crazy? Awhile back I came across this video, courtesy of Ta-Nehesi Coates. Rev. Joseph Lowery is a veteran of the Civil Rights Movement who struggled alongside Dr. King in the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. Thank God there were some good crazy folk to stand up against racial oppression--risking their lives at the hands of rabid racists like Bull Connor. Lowery mentions Harriet Tubman. What a good crazy woman! In a few days we'll celebrate the birth of another good crazy one--Jesus of Nazereth. He's the one who went around healing people, walking on water, raising a man from the dead, and challenging the money changers in the temple. He's the one who took three loaves and fed the multitudes and stood up to Pontius Pilate. That's a good crazy.
(An earlier posting of this video was of better quality......)