Sunday, May 17, 2009

A President With Class---and Smarts

They've said he has class. I agree. Arizona State University declined to award President Obama an honorary degree, saying that his "body of work has yet to come.". Obama adresses this (around 2:35 of video) with the class that has become his trademark.

“In all seriousness, I come here not to dispute the suggestion that I haven’t yet achieved enough in my life. I come here to embrace it; to heartily concur; to affirm that one’s title, even a title like president, says very little about how well one’s life has been led — and that no matter how much you’ve done, or how successful you’ve been, there’s always more to do, more to learn, more to achieve."

Thursday, May 07, 2009

Malcolm X---May 19, 1925 - Feb. 21, 1965

Malcolm's legacy enshrined by Ossie Davis.

Saturday, May 02, 2009

Presidential Swagger

More of that Presidential swagger. Basketball has always had cultural capital, especially when mixed with another high prestige gig. As a senior in high school I was student body president and captain of the championship basketball team. Oh, how I remember walking down the hall after a big game. But this is about Mr. President, the man with so much swagger, so much coolness. We've never had President with so much style! Initially I thought the jump shot was all celebrity shooter's luck but dude really has game.