Tuesday, September 30, 2008

35 and counting......

ON SARA PALIN: I had this thought----what if the Palin for Vice President is all part of some big trick. At the last hour she bows out because of the "I gotcha" approach of the media. You know, they're too tough and biased and why not throw in "sexist". McCain then pulls in a stronger (i.e., more qualified, intelligent) candidate who has been waiting in the wings. His candidacy picks up steam and storms into the White House. This is a long-shot theory but I've been trying to grasp the real meaning of Sarah Palin. It's hard to explain.

An interesting blog that I read regularly is Ta-Nehisi over at Atlantic.com

Monday, September 29, 2008

36 and counting.......

The DOW was down some 700 points today. I thought first of my retirement fund and then the politics of it all. The House was split on the bail-out bill---Republicans voted "no" in most cases. Perhaps this will cast a dark cloud over the GOP and voters will think of their pocketbooks. If this becomes a campaign issue during the next 36 days, it may play into Obama's favor. Another thought is whether it's some big strategy or ploy to drag out the issue to make McCain a saviour who comes up with the plan to save the economy.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

37 and Counting.....

Yes, it's 37 days until that fateful day---when the nation decides on the next President. In tribute to the election, I promise to blog everyday 'til then. How much I'll write, I refuse to say. Blogging has been ups and downs for me---just look at the last posting date. So, even if it's only a photo or quote, I will blog on this damn thing.

Starting with the election, we all know there are some angry white men out there. McCain did little to hide this on Friday night. Throughout the debate, he grimmaced, smirked and never really looked at Obama. On the other hand, Obama was the ultimate statesman---directing his comments to McCain and even agreeing with him a few times. Now, the world has waited to Obama to do the angry black man thing which he'd have every right to do in light of what he''s endured. Guess where that would get him? You know it. The media and every white person who has already cast their "no" vote on the basis of his color would say, "Aha! We told you!" So the double standard lives on. But on November 4th we have a chance to turn the tables around. Vote! Vote! Vote!

The Message - Melle Mel Grand Master Flash Furious Five

From back in the day......released in 1982, this song reflects the social consciousness in music during that time. The chorus line, "Don't push me 'cause I'm close to the edge," spoke to a mood in black communities in the wake of Reagonomics which theorized that wealth and tax shelters for the rich would trickle down to the poor. Sound familiar?